Cotch: Battersea, in all its desolation
Prompted by a PR puff piece about a publicity stunt petition by parochial nimbys, I compiled a photo-essay on the desolate ruins of Battersea Power Station. Read it here.
Prompted by a PR puff piece about a publicity stunt petition by parochial nimbys, I compiled a photo-essay on the desolate ruins of Battersea Power Station. Read it here.
In the house where I grew up, on the side of a kitchen cupboard above the kitchen sink, is a small wide yellowed print on a bent and battered cobweb covered card, faded with the light of five thousand sunrises and dappled from the condensation of countless boiled kettles. Continue […]
The paper that initiated the great MMR hoax has been thoroughly discredited and retracted by the journal that published it, but the anti-vaxxers still claim — and hoodwink some parents — that more research is required to establish whether or not vaccines cause autism. I thought therefore that it was […]
Academic publishing, and peer review in particular, was headline news in February — from stem cell researchers claiming that their work was being sabotaged by reviewers with conflicts of interest, to mainstream news noticing the absurdity of the impact factor situation. BBC Radio 4 must have decided that now was […]