Daily Archives: April 7, 2012

on fuel duty and modal shift

no idea how or why this came to be in my backlog, but it answers a common claim or two…Potter, Stephen; Enoch, Marcus; Rye, Tom; Black, Colin and Ubbels, Barry (2006). Tax treatment of employer commuting support: an international review. Transpo…

on the shapes of clouds

this comment was about different tumour genome work, but it could apply just as well to the Gerlinger article… Jim Woodgett said:Are these findings surprising given the well understood nature of the instability of tumour genetic integrity? Once …

franklin on shared pavements

just putting this quote from John Franklin’s “Principles of cycle planning” (PDF) in the bank for possible reference on shared pavements… Cyclists and pedestrians are often considered together. Both are vulnerable road users, but that is as far …