flicking through old copies of Nature to the pages with the corner turned down, before chucking them out. Dunno quite what to think about this gushing feature article. I can't help thinking "yay, we can now rape the rainforest gently," but, really, my cynicism comes with little thought or research…
The Malvinas natural-gas plant might seem the ultimate insult to a largely unspoiled tropical paradise, particularly for a lifelong conservationist such as Babbitt… But where others see blight, Babbitt sees a vision of the future. He looks past the pipes and pollution and focuses instead on what makes this project stand out: seen from the sky, Malvinas is an island of industrial activity in a sea of trees. There are no roads into the site; everything that enters or leaves Malvinas, including gas, rubbish, food and people, does so by plane, boat or underground pipeline.