
on sentimentality and old buses

final bits of marginalia from Chris Mosey’s Car Wars before it gets filed away in the Embassy library. However, when they [1950s London trolleybuses] were phased out a decade later, a spokesman for London Transport said, “The public never really t…

on asking motorists to play nice 2

need to bank this CCW WF line about the “3 feet please” thing for future reference. This provoked a response from David Love in the Comments, who among things writes: Sure, segregation would be great but in London at least there’s no room and no m…

on advanced stop lines

might refer to this, from The Cycling Lawyer. … I moved on to ???total tolerance??? which is how I see enforcement of advanced stop lines. The statistics on Simon???s computer did not break down how may traffic light offences were advanced stop line (…

on fuel duty and modal shift

no idea how or why this came to be in my backlog, but it answers a common claim or two…Potter, Stephen; Enoch, Marcus; Rye, Tom; Black, Colin and Ubbels, Barry (2006). Tax treatment of employer commuting support: an international review. Transpo…

on the shapes of clouds

this comment was about different tumour genome work, but it could apply just as well to the Gerlinger article… Jim Woodgett said:Are these findings surprising given the well understood nature of the instability of tumour genetic integrity? Once …

franklin on shared pavements

just putting this quote from John Franklin’s “Principles of cycle planning” (PDF) in the bank for possible reference on shared pavements… Cyclists and pedestrians are often considered together. Both are vulnerable road users, but that is as far …

on mixing where possible

Someone just reminded the BCC list of Give Cycling a Push: PRESTO Cycling Policy Guide Infrastructure (PDF). It’s definitely not the best of the documents available on the topic. Flicking through again, I noticed this passage, referenced to the CR…

on the effective speed paradox

Bristol City Council have an excellent set of documents, produced by a chap from their Public Health department, Adrian Davis, reviewing the literature on walking and cycling. He makes one-page summaries that even councillors can understand. His r…

on events that follow other events

note to self, incase I forget why I put this in Mendeley: people keep using the word “induce” in tumour evolution stories, when one event tends to follow another, and I’m not entirely convinced that it’s being used correctly. But I need to think a…

the roadless warrior

flicking through old copies of Nature to the pages with the corner turned down, before chucking them out. Dunno quite what to think about this gushing feature article. I can’t help thinking “yay, we can now rape the rainforest gently,” but, really…

shibata on genomic diversity

Nature news piece in my to-process pile, with a nice quote from Shibata and an amusing one from Swanton. One day I’ll get my very specialised topic tumour evolution blog launched… only been in the pipeline since 2008 :o The main tumour was surpr…

designing for the phase change

Been meaning to file away this quote from Cameron Neylon, which you can interpret as relevant to whatever change it is you want: So what does this tell us about advocating for, or designing for, change. Michael???s main point was that narrow scope i…

on transport poverty 1

Just banking quotes from a couple of things from my backlog.From the RAC: The latest figures available show that out of average expenditure of ?473.60 in both car and non-car owning households expenditure, ?64.90 (14%) goes on transport, making it…

SWOV on “safety in numbers” 2

Can’t remember who or what linked to this “Research Activities” newsletter (PDF) by SWOV, the Dutch Institute for Road Safety Research, or why I added it to my reader backlog, but it has some good things to add to the quote bank: …In other words…

jenny jones on narrow roads 1

On random play through a massive backlog of podcasts, my phone stumbled upon this, from The Bike Show, earlier. Well I think it’s very important to put segregation in where you possibly can, but on our road system, some of which is Victorian — so…