Monthly Archives: April 2012

jenny jones on narrow roads 1

On random play through a massive backlog of podcasts, my phone stumbled upon this, from The Bike Show, earlier. Well I think it’s very important to put segregation in where you possibly can, but on our road system, some of which is Victorian — so…

amazing who turns up where

from Chris Mosey’s Car Wars, on the Newbury Bypass, p134:Then Charlie Brooks, the debonair Old Etonian and racehorse trainer declared himself against the bypass. ‘People are getting pretty vociferous at dinner parties round here,’ he said.I wonder…

Going Dutch in 1990

Road Safety debate, from Hansard, 16 November 1990. Mr Anthony Steen (South Hams)My hon. Friend mentioned cycling. Great progress has been made in our major cities to provide for cyclists. I think that about 90,000 cyclists come into London every …

bumper issue of history repeating 1

This whole “debate” of two speeches is packed with amazing snippets for the archives of history repeating. From Hansard, 16 May 1985. We’ve got claims that there is a cycling revolution going on, that the department is “encouraging” local authorit…