
bumper issue of history repeating 1

This whole “debate” of two speeches is packed with amazing snippets for the archives of history repeating. From Hansard, 16 May 1985. We’ve got claims that there is a cycling revolution going on, that the department is “encouraging” local authorit…

taking your life into their hands

FAO, David Cameron. Some nice lines from the BMA’s 1992 book on cycling, concluding remarks on helmets and other “roles for the individual”, p94: In turn, this points to two conclusions: first, that it is dangerous to pass all responsibility for r…

Cycle Chic, 1992

The BMA’s 1992 book on cycling, compiled by Mayer Hillman, made me giggle. Another set of attitudes which has been progressively changing relates to appearance. A track-suit and trainers, which are in many ways ideal cycle-wear, are no longer rega…

so it’s buses to blame.

a couple more delightful extracts from Chris Mosey’s Car Wars, on how the car came to be accepted — abridged from p39. A poster from this period read: “Men of England. Your birthright is being taken away from you by Reckless Motorists. Reckless M…


A little bit in John Vidal’s description of the M11 link protests, from the Graun, quoted in the Chris Mosey’s Car Wars, sounded somehow familiar… Vidal was there when the tree finally came down. “It has been a life-affirmative drama,” he wrote,…

In which The Independent jumps the shark

A couple of weeks ago Oliver Wright of The Independent ran a hatchet job, both horrible and nonsensical, about the head of the RCGP, Clare Gerada — the tireless and currently ubiquitous critic of the NHS privatisation Health and Social Care Bill. You may remember Ben Goldacre wrote about Oliver […]

Lies, Damned Lies, and Tissue Culture

I originally wrote this in Feb 2008, and later updated it for the old Lay Science. While making sure that this website was up-to-date, it occurred to me that this post would have disappeared with the rest of the Lay Science site. I have forgotten what updates I made when […]

AWWTM: Democratising mobility

Shortly before parliament rose for the summer, an unusually large audience tuned in to the entertaining spectacle of Prime-Minister’s Question Time in a week when a scandal-rag had sunk in its own great scandal. I don’t suppose anybody noticed the interruption of David Ward, the hon. member for Bradford East. […]

AWWTM: Pickles peddles pointless parking press release

This week, the Department for Communities and Local Government put out a press release about town centre parking. Unlike last time, they didn’t even have to announce that Pickles is ending The War On The Motorist™. On that point, their work was done for them, by 36 newspapers and the […]

Cotch: Flashride for Blackfriars

In 2000, London’s previous mayor, Ken Livingstone, began the process of fixing forty years of mistakes that had been made in the pursuit of the impossible — the comfortable accommodation of mass motor vehicle use in a dense city centre. He recognised that cities are supposed to be places for […]