crap cycleways

AWWTM: Ceci n’est pas une piste de bicyclette

Sorry, I failed to post much because I’ve been on the road.  And sometimes the Sustrans paths. This is a forestry track, NCN 68, Kielder Forest, Northumberland. I hesitate to criticise Sustrans because I know that they are good people, with an excellent idea — the National Cycle Network — […]

AWWTM: Fast, direct, uninterrupted and comprehensive

Boris Johnson thinks that he can solve all of the barriers to cycling just by splashing some paint on one or two roads.  As anybody who does not cycle could tell him, what is needed if we are to achieve mass cycling is infrastructure that is complete, conspicuously safe, enjoyable […]

AWWTM: Cycle superhighways: are they a joke?

That’s the most common question asked by people who responded to the GLA survey of London cyclists.  Looking into the raw data I find out just how little the cycle superhighways have achieved, and the one thing that London cyclists say over and over again makes them such a joke: […]

AWWTM: London: still not impressed with superhighways

Way back at the start of October we mentioned that the London Authority’s transport committee were seeking your views on the hire bikes and the two trial cycle superhighways.  The results are in, and we must have had a massive influence because the results seem to match what we were […]

AWWTM: If you build it they will come

On the London Cyclist thread “is there anything super about the Cycle Superhighways?,” we hear Chinese whispers on the reason why TfL decided against making real superhighways and instead came up with the overpriced and failed PR exercise that are the blue lines on the side of the road: “TfL […]

AWWTM: Crap cycling and walking in Beijing

Over at At War With The Motorist, I look at another of the obvious ill-effects of Beijing’s burgeoning car dependency — the plague of badly parked cars filling the pavements and cycle paths.  You can read it here. Also, try out our China traffic quiz: what’s wrong with this picture?

AWWTM: Catch up with recent posts

Last week, a quick dig at crap websites trying to promote discounts for the Rube Goldberg railfares system. And a review of a crap cycle path through Southwark Park. And from the weekend, an exclusive exposure of the leftist conspiracy behind the War On The Motorist, at Tolpuddle Festival in […]

At War With The Motorist: Superhighways

On At War With The Motorist, a short review of the London “cycle superhighways”, after a quick go on “CS3”.  They’re exactly what you’d expect from the sort of “super” infrastructure that can be installed for pennies within a couple of months of being announced: pointless.  Read it here.